If you are not happy with your current cleaning service, please reach out to us.
Disinfecting For You, Inc. cleaning company of Northern Kentucky offers a wide range of cleaning services that will help you keep your housekeeping services and commercial cleaning/janitorial services comfortable, cleaned and disinfected.
We are not a MAID service. We have teammates who specialize in helping you manage your home or office not take over. You still have to pick up after yourselves, wash your dishes and remove clutter. We don't have time to come in and clean before we can clean. We specialize in cleaning all of your detailed areas to include doors, door frames, blinds, switch plates, ceiling fans, window sills, baseboards etc. Help us help you manage your home or office.
If you are looking for a service to do dishes, clean up your messes, laundry etc. we probably are not the service for you as we charge extra for those services. We work with clients who love their homes and offices and need us to help manage the cleaning services. Please keep in mind not every client will be a good match for our services.
Disinfecting For You, Inc. cleaning company of Northern Kentucky offers residential cleaning services & DAYTIME only commercial/janitorial cleaning services to include, but are not limited to:
* Dusting All Surfaces
* Vacuuming
* Floors
* Internal Windows & Sills
* Kitchen
* Bathroom
* Bedroom
* Office Daytime Cleaning Monday-Friday
* Disinfecting
* And More

Disinfecting For You, Inc. Cleaning Company of Northern Kentucky offers Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly or One Time Cleaning Services or DAYTIME Commercial Cleaning/Janitorial Services with NO CONTRACTS to sign.
Disinfecting For You, Inc. sells GIFT CERTIFICATES too!
"God is like oxygen, You can't see him but you also can't live without him."
- Author Unknown